I tend to do the rounds of the thrift stores in my area about once every two weeks or so. One thing I have noticed is that brands that are not well-known in Sweden are often priced very low, because the staff do not recognise them. Some brands that tend to go unnoticed are Coach, Proenza Schouler, Samantha Thavasa, and sometimes Strathberry.
Recently I found a rather plain black leather Betsey Johnson bag and some glorious brand-new Fluevog shoes that had slipped under the radar. I don’t need any more bags so I passed, and the shoes were too big. I am a bit squeamish about wearing second-hand shoes so I only buy unused ones. Anything else I wash very well before wearing, even if they are brand new. I actually do that for everything I buy, even department store purchases.
Betsey Johnson has always been a very colourful character and her bags are quirky. Similar to Anya Hindmarch crossed with Judith Leiber, but at a lower price point. I would have loved one of her quirky bags when I was younger, but I have always been more practically inclined.
As for Fluevogs, I wore similar ‘flower power’ platform shoes in the 1970s, but now I would really like some colourful brogues or loafers to wear with my black work trousers.