- as a blanket when flying long-haul
- as a sarong on the beach
- as a blanket on a hotel bed when the covers don’t keep you warm enough
- as a headscarf on an extremely cold day (I live in Sweden!)
- as a scarf or shawl
- as a knee blanket
- in lieu of a cardigan
- in lieu of a towel in an emergency
- Note: buy the best one you can. Real pashmina (from the Pashmina goat) is very light. The best mix is 70% Pashmina and 30% silk
Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream
- to soften cuticles
- to soothe chapping and windburn
- for flyaway hair
- as a face mask for very dry skin
- on heels, knees and elbows
- Can also be used as a lip balm, a lip gloss, and a cheek and eye gloss
Försvarets Hudsalva
This is a salve originally given to Swedish soldiers, to heal the blisters caused by their boots. It can also be used for:
- protecting and healing the pads under dogs’ feet
- as a ski wax
- as a butter/oil substitute when cooking
- to calm frizzy hair and split ends.
- on dry cuticles, elbows, knees
- as a lip balm
- as a facial moisturiser in extremely cold conditions
Freezer bags
- to put a wet mini umbrella in so that I can put it back into my bag on a rainy day.
- to hold a wet bathing suit when travelling back from the pool or beach
- to hold litter, used underwear and shoes when travelling
- to put over my head when using an intensive hair mask. Put a towel over it and blow it with a hairdryer.